Difficult times brings out the true character in self!

Who is the best person to handle our difficult times?


Is there a prescription to handle difficult times?

Definition of “difficult times” varies from person to person. This means prescriptions won’t work!

Our abilities to handle our difficult times are immense!

The issue during such times; our problem-solving abilities to handle the difficult times stop functioning! Our focus must be to surface these abilities. Once we get this working, we should find a solution ourselves.

Solving the right problem!

Surface our abilities to handle the difficult times. No prescription here as well!

I had to look upon my grandparents and my parents to seek some direction.

I found few common characteristics in them;

Self Discipline, Core Values and Courage

Self Discipline

Re-look at your daily habits tweak a bit to the positive side.

I loved when someone said “Raghu if you get up 30 minutes early, some of your additional work could be done”.

Core Values

Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person. We all have values; either not aware or unclear!

Some examples of values (but not limited to)

Dependability, Reliability, Hardworking, Loyalty, Commitment, Consistency, Honesty, Respect, Patriotism, Service to others

Identify yours and firm it up.


Courage is the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation.

Start practicing in day-to-day life!

For example, tell the truth instead of a lie. Always remember, courage comes with practice.

Once these three are in place, your abilities to handle difficult times are back in action and you will find a way to overcome.

Take it easy, be good to yourself, give yourself a chance and you can do it!

Author: Raghuraman Kadambi

Image Credit: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-rock-climbing-3077882/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/difficult-times-raghuraman-kadambi/ 

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