I believe the time we spend on a certain work or task never goes waste, irrespective of the outcome! We begin a certain task with some expectations. When our expectations are met, we feel good about everything that went into meeting it. And for many of us, when our expectations are not met, we find it hard to accept! We feel our efforts went in vain or went unrecognized.

You may surely have heard of many inspiring stories of a successful invention after many failures. If they had not tried again, our lives would not have been the same.

Remember, if you don’t get what you expected, you get experience!

Stop complaining, learn from your experience, try again and you will succeed.

Author: Raghuraman Kadambi
Image Credit: https://www.piqsels.com/en/public-domain-photo-spaog

Author: Raghuraman Kadambi

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ultirags

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