Are you organized, arranged, or dealt with satisfactorily?

Being sorted means confident, organized, and emotionally well balanced!

In my view, i feel many around us are not as sorted as they seem. Things around us are dynamic and require first awareness of what has changed and next deal with the change. To be able to do so, one must discover their secret formula to be “Sorted”. And, It’s a constant endeavor!

Some factors that could affect a change in our lives; unexpected event in family or at work or wider environment, relationship issues in family and friends, personal health, expectations with people, financial situation, unfinished task(s), social commitments and more. This list could be exhaustive especially for those who are not “sorted” at given time :-).

Even though some people learn and evolve, way faster than others, the truth of the matter is that we’re all heading in the same direction; being “sorted” No matter we do, we’re all heading home.

As said earlier, one must discover their secret formula to be “Sorted”. There are no common prescription that could work for all! But, If you are sorted, you would glow and carry extremely positive vibes and attract people instantly.

Here are some signs (but not limited to) that could point out that you are “sorted”.

  1. You live your life from a place of sincerity and humility.
  2. You love without expecting to be loved back.
  3. You are comfortable with not-knowing.
  4. You trust life’s wisdom
  5. You have no interest in being who people think you should be.
  6. Your wisdom is your own
  7. You forgive easily.
  8. You give without expecting anything in return.
  9. Your are at peace even in the midst of adversity
  10. You embrace all that comes your way with thankfulness.
  11. You no longer look outside yourself for fulfillment.
  12. You delight yourself in quietness and solitude.

You glow, shine and attract people towards you when you are sorted!

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, prosperous and sorted new year 2021.

Author: Raghuraman Kadambi
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