

  Few years ago my friend Prasanna met with an accident and was operated on his right arm. After a year he developed severe pain and was advised to cut his right arm! As he was sitting in pain at a village bus stand wondering his future, a stranger took him to a...
Do you feel accomplished?

Do you feel accomplished?

“I have not accomplished enough in life!” Do you get this thought often? Does this bother you and affects your well being? Most people have stated or unstated goals. Usually, these are around career, financial and materialistic possessions. Let’s say...
Difficult Times

Difficult Times

Difficult times brings out the true character in self! Who is the best person to handle our difficult times? Ourselves! Is there a prescription to handle difficult times? Definition of “difficult times” varies from person to person. This means...
Are you “World Ready”?

Are you “World Ready”?

After 25 years, a WhatsApp group was formed to re-connect with our Engineering college mates! Great way to kick start the year 2020. The group members seem excited to share and learn more from & about their college mates. There has been a certain struggle with...
The Day Before Yesterday, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

The Day Before Yesterday, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper “A Theory of Human Motivation”. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, represented as a pyramid with the more basic needs at the bottom. This article...
IT Systems Implementation – past and future

IT Systems Implementation – past and future

Old timers sticking to the traditional project strategies of IT systems implementation must change as they may no longer be relevant in current times. The early days challenges were primarily dealing with;a) user acceptance for an IT system as a replacement to their...
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