Welcome to ultirags.com blog
Education guides us with a path to success and experience lets us know what works and what does not during this journey. The best lesson’s of our life’s has been through our own experiences! – Raghuraman Kadambi
Thank you teacher!
Acharya Devo Bhava! I thank all my teachers who have been instrumental in my upbringing. Thank you for being a guiding star. While all teachers have played significant role, few teachers have been very special to me. From my memory book, i open few...
The Monthly Menu Planning
I like being spontaneous in my personal life events. And the same thing holds good for my wife as well! Great mind think alike (I hope my wife is reading this)! I feel one of the most daunting tasks every day is getting our children ready for the...
How you look at things around you? In my first year civil engineering subject had a chapter on perspective views. Perspective is what gives a three-dimensional feeling to a flat image such as a drawing or a painting. Example - a perspective view of...
Asking the right question
How many questions on an average do you ask per day? Asking or answering questions is an integral part of our communications. In our everyday personal and professional lives we either ask or answer a host of questions. Some interesting statistics...
How to create a realistic to-do-list?
Many a times we either forget an activity / task or something else catches our attention in that day. This could potentially lead to work dissatisfaction. In other words, your work satisfaction could directly be impacted by "how the day was spent"....
Competency Development Vs Training Completion
Competence (or competency) is the ability of an individual to do a job properly. A competency development program could mean improving the ability of an individual to do his job properly! Generally, most of the training program begins with a title...